How to check for head and neck cancers at home

ORACLE Head & Neck Cancer UK

Improving Head and Neck cancer patient outcomes through support of key programmes, raising awareness and addressing growing healthcare inequalities.

All About Head & Neck Cancer

Details what the term head and neck cancer means, patient stories, useful links and more on and the different types within the head and neck group of cancers.

Patients and carers

From self checks to help groups

How to help

However you have been touched by Head and Neck cancer, getting involved can make a big difference in so many ways.

Professionals and researchers

Over the last 20 years Oracle has awarded £8m in research grants supporting early-stage research into Head and Neck cancers

Key Facts

17,000 new cases of head and neck cancer each year

72% of head and neck cancer caused by hpv

Only 13% of Head and Neck cancers diagnosed early, resulting in poor survival and outcomes.

Numbers are increasing at 30% per decade.

4th most common cancer in MEN

Every day 34 people are diagnosed with Head and Neck cancers in the UK.