Head and Neck Cancer

Head and neck cancer is the umbrella term used to describe a number of different cancerous tumours and include cancers in:

  • the mouth (oral cavity or oral cancers)
  • tongue
  • different parts of the throat (the oropharynx, tonsils,Ā nasopharynxĀ and hypopharynx)
  • the nose or sinuses (nasal and sinus cancer)
  • the salivary glands
  • the middle ear


Diagram courtesy of Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust

Signs & Symptons

Self diagnosis techniques, what to look for and ways to prevent head and neck cancers.

Diagnosing Head and Neck cancer

Which specialists diagnose these cancers and what the 4 stages of tumour progression mean.

Types of Head and Neck Cancers

Explains the different types of cancers embraced within the Head and Neck category of cancer.

Risk factors

Explains what we know about the causes and how to reduce the risk of having the disease.

Key Facts - Head and Neck Cancer

34 people

Every day 34 people are diagnosed with Head and Neck cancers in the UK.

4th most common cancer in MEN

4th most common cancer in men and 7th most common overall.

30% Increase

Numbers are increasing at 30% per decade.

13% Early Diagnosis

Only 13% of Head and Neck cancers diagnosed early, resulting in poor survival and outcomes.