Oracle Voices

There is a growing focus and recognition around benefit of having patients and members of the public more involved in shaping and actively participating in the healthcare agenda and associated activities. This is called Patient and Public Involvement (PPI). We are hugely supportive of more of this happening within Head and Neck cancer in the UK AND we also want ensure that the voices involved are diverse and as representative as possible of the wider patient, carer and public community.

You may have direct lived experience of Head and Neck cancer as a patient or carer or you may just be passionate about helping us ensure that there is greater understanding of these cancers in the wider population and that all voices are represented.

We want your help to grow awareness and address unmet needs in Head and Neck cancers in the UK. This will help us:

  • get the right messages to the right communities so that they are effective,
  • make sure that healthcare projects consider all types of patients and communities,
  • keep the patient and their families at the centre of everything we do.

Opportunities may include:

  • Responding to surveys or questionnaires
  • Participating in steering group discussions
  • Attending focus groups, workshops, events
  • Being an active member within research groups
  • Evaluating and reviewing documents
  • Acting as a co-applicant in research funding applications

AND we are working hard to make sure that those that are involved have the opportunity to be properly compensated and remunerated for their time and inputs.

If you are interested in being part of Oracle Voices please complete the following form via the link:

If you have any questions please contact for more information.