Types of Head and Neck Cancer

Sinus cancer

Cancer Description

The nasal cavity is the large, air-filled space behind the nose. Paranasal sinuses are air-filled spaces at the front of the skull and surrounding the nasal cavity. They are found in the cheeks (the maxillary sinuses), above the eyes (the frontal sinuses), between the eyes (the ethmoidal air cells or sinuses) and behind the ethmoidal air cells (sphenoid sinuses).

Nasal and paranasal cancers are relatively rare. The most common location of paranasal sinus cancer is the maxillary sinus.

Diagram showing parts on Pharynx in relation to other areas of the throat and nose.


The symptoms of nasal and sinus cancer are similar to viral or bacterial infections, such as the common cold or sinusitis, and include: facial pains, a persistent blocked nose, nosebleeds, a decreased sense of smell and persistent mucus running from the nose or down the throat.  Symptoms are often one-sided.

Patient Stories

John Wilkinson

John Wilkinson – his widow pledges her support for Oracle’s work

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