Big Give 2022 – Christmas Appeal

A diagnosis of Head and Neck cancer can make it hard to feel hopeful.

People sometimes focus on what Head and Neck cancer makes us lose; our ability to look to the future with optimism, plan ahead, eat, drink, speak etc.

Our 5-year vision is that by 2027:

  • Head and Neck cancers and their symptoms will be widely recognised;
  • The rates of late stage diagnoses will be on the decline;
  • Progress will have been made in reducing the inequalities within Head and Neck cancers;
  • There will be more visible support for patients and their caregivers pre, during and post treatment;
  • There will be an increase in sharing knowledge and experience to improve treatment options and quality of life for Head and Neck cancer patients.

We want to celebrate what we can do now, and will do in the future, the power than comes from us all playing our part to beat Head and Neck cancers. 

From midday on 29th November and midday 6th December, if you donate to Oracle’s #ChristmasChallenge your donation will be doubled!

One donation but twice the impact.

Ready to find out more?

Donate between 29th November and 6th December Big Give 2022

#TeamOracle completes Chiltern Challenge

Group of Oracle Cancer Trust Fundraisers complete 20 mile Chiltern Challenge on East Monday. The day started with dark skies and torrential rain, but that wasn’t going to stop our…

Katrinaā€™s Quiz nights

Katrina is one of our longest fundraisers and has held many quiz nights in support of Oracle over the years in her local village.