November is Mouth Cancer Awareness Month

This November is mouth cancer awareness month. As recent research has shown, oral cancer is now the tenth most common cancer in mean. Oracle funded researcher and Consultant Maxillofacial and Oral Surgeon Professor James McCaul says:

“The recent sharp rise in oral cancer in the UK is a huge concern. This worrying change reinforces the work of Oracle Cancer Trust is all the more essential in helping to prevent these cancers and help us to identify tumours at a treatable, early stage. Our trials, evaluating new ways to accurately surgically treat pre-cancer and early tumours are even more significant for the UK. More patients getting these cancers reinforces the urgent and clear need for more crucial research work on cancer therapies funded by Oracle Cancer Trust”

Regular dental visits are vital, and it’s often the dentist which refers patients with suspicious lesions or ulcers.

For more information on the signs and symptoms of Oral Cancer, visitĀ

#TeamOracle completes Chiltern Challenge

Group of Oracle Cancer Trust Fundraisers complete 20 mile Chiltern Challenge on East Monday. The day started with dark skies and torrential rain, but that wasn’t going to stop our…

Katrinaā€™s Quiz nights

Katrina is one of our longest fundraisers and has held many quiz nights in support of Oracle over the years in her local village.