Professor Kevin Harrington raises £5,000 for Oracle

Congratulations to Professor Kevin Harrington who took part in  the Virgin London Marathon on Sunday and in so doing, has raised some £5,000 for Oracle.  Kevin finished in under 4 hours which, by anyone’s standards, is a remarkable achievement, especially given the fact that he was plagued by a persistent chest infection for several weeks prior to the event.

Having won the place through a ballot entry, Oracle was very keen to find a competitor who had a personal connection with the charity and was delighted when Professor Harrington agreed to run.  Commenting on the experience
he said: ” It was a fantastic experience.  The crowds are amazing – makes you proud to live in London.  Thanks so much for allowing me to represent Oracle.  I was very proud to do so – especially knowing that I was the one and only amongst what seemed like hundreds of runners for other equally deserving, but probably better known, cancer charities.”

It’s not too late to donate.  If you would like to add your support, please visit Kevin’s Virgin Money Giving fundraising page.




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Katrina’s Quiz nights

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