Help develop a NICE quality standard on head and neck cancer treatment

NICEĀ are currently recruiting patients, as well as the people who are unpaid carers and advocates for them, to join the committee which will be developing a NICE quality standard on head and neck cancer. The quality standard will look at how to improve the quality of services that are provided by the NHS for people with head and neck cancers. Ā Applications close on April 14th 2016. Ā 

For further information pleaseĀ visit the following website.

#TeamOracle completes Chiltern Challenge

Group of Oracle Cancer Trust Fundraisers complete 20 mile Chiltern Challenge on East Monday. The day started with dark skies and torrential rain, but that wasn’t going to stop our…

Katrinaā€™s Quiz nights

Katrina is one of our longest fundraisers and has held many quiz nights in support of Oracle over the years in her local village.