Oracle joins other head and neck charities to support Ukrainian arrivals
Oracle joins other leading head and neck charities supporting Ukrainians arriving in the UK
Charities are providing help and support to help newly arriving Ukrainians that may be concerned about symptoms or require signposting for treatment.
The initiative brings together key charities that work in different areas of head and neck cancer expertise and also includes details of the Cancer Care Map, a voluntary organisation that has information on local cancer support and other related services for the whole of the UK.
Says Oracle’s CEO Tamara Kahn, “We are delighted to be part of this group of charities here to support Ukrainians that have newly arrived in the UK and may be concerned about new signs or symptoms of head and neck cancer or those who may have had their treatment interrupted and had to flee the Ukraine. As a group of charities we are here to support and signpost with advice they may need.”