Jamie Theakston Announces He is Cancer-Free After Laryngeal Cancer Treatment

Heart Breakfast’s much-loved presenter, Jamie Theakston, has shared the incredible news that he is now cancer free! After completing treatment for stage one laryngeal cancer – cancer of the voice box (larynx), Jamie made his highly anticipated return to the airwaves today, reuniting with listeners and co-hosts alike.

Diagnosed in September 2024, Jamie initially thought he was dealing with a sore throat. However, his diagnosis took an unexpected and life-changing turn.

Taking time away from the airwaves for treatment and crucial vocal rest, Jamie faced his cancer diagnosis head-on. Now, four months later, he’s back where he belongs at Heart Breakfast, sharing the wonderful news that he’s cancer free.

Jamie’s journey highlights the importance of getting to know what’s normal for you. For him, a change in his voice was the first warning sign of laryngeal cancer. Other signs to watch for include:

  • A hoarse voice that doesn’t go away
  • Pain or difficulty when swallowing
  • Ear pain on one side
  • Noisy or difficult breathing
  • A persistent cough
  • A new lump in your neck

Find out more about laryngeal cancer here and read Jon’s Story – his cancer experience began with a persistent hoarse voice, but this was initially dismissed it as a side effect of his inhaler.

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