Join our first webinar this April

Join our first in our webinar series talking treatments

Register now to join us for the first in a series of head and neck experts and patients sharing their experiences of cancer treatment with our first webinar on Wednesday 28th April at 6pm

World expert Prof Vin Paleri joins us for this insightful look at robotic surgery and how it has revolutionised head and neck cancer treatment, particularly treating hard-to-reach tumours.

During the webinar we are joined by former patient Shahid Allibhai, pictured below with Prof Paleri. Six years ago Shahid underwent surgery for ten hours to treat him for extremely complex head and neck cancer surgery. With the use of robotic assisted surgery, Shahid was able to recover much quicker than conventional surgery and make a full recovery.

Don’t forget to register and join us for this insightful webinar.
