Exciting News! – Smiley Charity Film Award
Your vote counts!
You can watch the film here:
Please get involved
We need your help! Join our RACE against time by donating, fundraising, or spreading awareness. Every action makes a difference.⏳ Every day counts when it comes to cancer – let’s make sure no one has to wait.💬 Join us in demanding better care!
See also patient stories to hear about other people diagnosed with Head and Neck Cancers including mouth cancer.
Have you got a symptom, are you being diagnosed, going through treatment, or a friend/carer of someone who is? Please join our private Facebook Group to get support and advice from fellow patients and carers.
Research Large Grants Programme Opportunity
We’re offering up to £300,000 over three years to support innovative, hypothesis-driven research projects.
12 Days of Christmas Winter Appeal 2024
Counting down 12 days of Christmas with fundraising ideas and keeping in touch with Oracle.
Petition to improve HPV Vaccine Uptake
Petition urges increase to HPV vaccine uptake and reduce preventable cancers caused by HPV.
Seeking Specialists for Late Effects Guidelines
Develop national best practice guidelines for managing late effects of head and neck cancer treatment.
World Radiotherapy Awareness Day 14th November
WRAD2025 has 250+ global organisations united for a crucial cause in radiotherapy best practice