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Crystal Palace 10K – December

December 15, 2024 - December 15, 2024

This is an all day event

Come and run a 5k,10k or Half Marathon with us at Crystal Palace Park located in the South-East London suburb of Crystal Palace on Sunday 13th December. The park is situated on the Norwood Ridge, offering views of Central London, Greenwich and the North Downs. This undulating route in the beautiful park is the perfect opportunity for a fun morning run, even passing a few dinosaurs along the course! This is also our second half marathon at Crystal Palace so come and join us for a brand new RunThrough route!

Event details

Date: 15th Dec 2024

Location: Crystal Palace Parade, London SE19 2GA

Registration fee: £1 (plus £0.04 booking fee)

Sponsorship target: £200

Secure your space here

Why join #TeamOracle

As part of #TeamOracle you will receive all of this…

  • Welcome email with Fundraising Pack and training tips
  • Bespoke #TeamOracle challenge t-shirt
  • A dedicated contact to support you with your challenge


Most importantly you will join us in the RACE to overcome the Head and Neck cancer crisis, by raising money to fund RESEARCH, raise AWARENESS, work COLLABORATIVELY and improve the patient EXPERIENCE. Ensuring EVERYBODY has the best chance of surviving Head and Neck cancers. Join #TeamOracle today!

Good luck and thank you for supporting Oracle Cancer Trust!

Get in touch

If you have any questions about this event, please get in touch with our Fundraising team email mailto:fundraising@oraclehnc.org.uk