Oracle-funded study improves treatment prospects for cancer patients

Read the ICR’s latest blog post about the success of our recent Oracle-funded study into combining radiotherapies with viruses to improve treatment prospects for cancer patients.

Oracle-funded scientists at the ICR and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust combined the oncolytic reovirus RT3D, with radiotherapy to treat melanoma, and found that the combination was much more effective than separate treatments.

Read the full report here:

#TeamOracle completes Chiltern Challenge

Group of Oracle Cancer Trust Fundraisers complete 20 mile Chiltern Challenge on East Monday. The day started with dark skies and torrential rain, but that wasn’t going to stop our…

Katrinaā€™s Quiz nights

Katrina is one of our longest fundraisers and has held many quiz nights in support of Oracle over the years in her local village.