Inaugural Peter Rhys-Evans Memorial Trophy won at Oracle Cancer Trust Golf Day

Oracle Cancer Trust’s annual Golf Day at the exclusive Cowdray Estate raises £9,043.26, whilst crowing first Peter Rhys-Evans Memorial champions. 

On a fabulously sunny morning in May, at the breathtakingly beautiful Cowdray Estate fifty-six golfers assembled to not only take on the challenging course, but also compete for the inaugural Peter Rhys-Evans trophy.  

The day started with team registrations and breakfast, before being taken through to the players brief lead by the team at Cowdray Golf Club. One player said: “We feel very confident that we will be on the podium at the end of the day, especially with these elite golfers backing me up. We have a beautiful day and raising money for a brilliant cause and can’t wait to get started.” We very much detected a sarcastic undertone when the gentleman was talking about his fellow teammates. Another gentleman mentioned that he felt as ready as he would ever be, whilst two other chaps remarked that they were nervously excited, happy to do their part no matter how bad their golf skills were.  

At precisely 10am the inaudible shotgun start commenced the tournament with all 14 teams taking to the first tea of the 18-hole course.  

In the afternoon, following a buffet lunch, our host former Radio BBC 1 presenter and Head and Neck Cancer survivor Pete Brady guided our guests through our raffle, competition prize giving and auction to help increase the amount raised for Oracle Cancer Trust. We were honoured that Fran Rhys-Evans joined us and presented the winning Team “The Incredibles” with the inaugural Peter Rhys-Evans Trophy. Fran remarked that the annual Golf Day was one of her husband’s favourite Oracle events and that he would’ve felt touched and probably also bemused to know that the cup has been named in his memory.  


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