Join #OneCancerVoice in demanding action for cancer patients
England is facing a cancer emergency with missed cancer waiting times, a growing cancer backlog and worsening cancer patient experience. We are lagging behind comparative countries on cancer survival.
That’s why Oracle Cancer Trust is speaking up with over 60 cancer charities as #OneCancerVoice. We’re a group of over 60 cancer charities collectively supporting millions of people living with cancer. And we want an ambitious, fully funded, long term strategy on cancer.
It has been more than a year since the UK Government declared a ‘war on cancer’ on World Cancer Day and made a public promise to publish an ambitious ten-year cancer plan for England. Over 5,000 people affected by cancer – many of you – responded to a call for evidence for that plan, telling their own personal stories in the hopes of improving cancer outcomes.
Yet, here we are, a year later, and there is no plan. And in a turn of events, the UK Government recently announced that they will be instead publishing a five-year general ‘major conditions strategy’ – a short-term, catch-all plan rather than the targeted cancer response we need.
Patients and their loved ones deserve more.
The petition, hosted by Cancer Research UK, is being supported and shared by over 60 cancer charities, uniting as #OneCancerVoice. It will only take a moment to sign, and every signature shows cancer patients now, and in the future, deserve better. Sign the petition and make a difference

Theatre Meets Healthcare: Breaking Barriers in Cancer Conversations
In Leicester, theatre is transforming how Black communities talk about cancer. Oracle Head & Neck Cancer UK, alongside Theatre Sans Frontières, is using interactive Forum Theatre to tackle stigma, improve healthcare conversations, and break…

Jamie Theakston Announces He is Cancer-Free After Laryngeal Cancer Treatment
Heart Breakfast’s much-loved presenter, Jamie Theakston, has shared the incredible news that he is now cancer free! After completing treatment for stage one laryngeal cancer – cancer of the voice…

Mark Steele – Unforgettable evening of humour, resilience, and personal storytelling.
British comedian Mark Steele and military leader Major General Julian Buczacki are joining forces for an unforgettable evening of humour.

Revolutionising Head and Neck Cancer Care: The EVEREST-HN Project
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Research Large Grants Programme Opportunity
We’re offering up to £300,000 over three years to support innovative, hypothesis-driven research projects.

12 Days of Christmas Winter Appeal 2024
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Petition to improve HPV Vaccine Uptake
Petition urges increase to HPV vaccine uptake and reduce preventable cancers caused by HPV.