Calling for volunteers

Have you had a diagnosis of Head and Neck cancer and would like to help improve the understanding of emotional distress after treatments?

University of Liverpool are conducting research into ‘Understanding emotional challenges after treatment for Head and Neck cancer.’

What is the purpose of the study?

Head and neck cancer treatment can be distressing, and they want to find ways of providing the best support. They are asking people to complete some questionnaires so that they get a good understanding of the problems people face.

We are excited to see the results of this research as this information will help us to shape how we can support our Head and Neck cancer community.

To find out more click here

#TeamOracle completes Chiltern Challenge

Group of Oracle Cancer Trust Fundraisers complete 20 mile Chiltern Challenge on East Monday. The day started with dark skies and torrential rain, but that wasn’t going to stop our…

Katrina’s Quiz nights

Katrina is one of our longest fundraisers and has held many quiz nights in support of Oracle over the years in her local village.